尤 (yuyf91)

重度銳字中毒者, 偽文青, 腐女, 上色笨蛋, 打機無能, 冷CP王....

「The Sore Feet Song」 (Full Size) - 増田俊郎

"I stole ten thousand pounds,ten thousand pounds to see you

    I robbed convenience stores coz I thought they'd make it easier...

    I'm tired and I'm weak but I'm strong for you

    I want to go home but my love gets me through..."

簡單的歌詞, 無關什麼暗戀相戀熱戀, 兩三段就能哼上口。

我喜歡上的音樂, 不論是中文日文還是英文, 好像也並非主流呢/w\


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